Dr. Conradin von Albertini, MD, FISHRS
Dr. von Albertini is practicing hair restoration surgery since 2003. He opened his clinic in Zurich in 2005 and began performing FUE in 2010. In 2013 Dr. von Albertini spearheaded the combination of motorized FUE with sharp implanters. He is often invited as faculty and live surgeon and believes in exchanging ideas with colleagues. Moreover, he also conducts and publishes own research studies.
He promotes the ethical cause of physician-led FUE and is an active fellow member of the ISHRS. Since 2019 he is a Member of the Board of Governors of the ISHRS. He is the founding president of the Swiss Society of Hair Restoration Surgery SSHRS and since 2016 also an ABHRS Diplomate.
Dr. von Albertini is practicing hair restoration surgery since 2003. He opened his clinic in Zurich in 2005 and began performing FUE in 2010. In 2013 Dr. von Albertini spearheaded the combination of motorized FUE with sharp implanters. He is often invited as faculty and live surgeon and believes in exchanging ideas with colleagues. Moreover, he also conducts and publishes own research studies.
He promotes the ethical cause of physician-led FUE and is an active fellow member of the ISHRS. Since 2019 he is a Member of the Board of Governors of the ISHRS. He is the founding president of the Swiss Society of Hair Restoration Surgery SSHRS and since 2016 also an ABHRS Diplomate.
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